Going live!

I’m delighted to share the news that I’ve signed a contract with Routledge for the book “Dark Machines” to be published sometime in 2022. I’ll be posting a few reflections and background research on this site from time to time. If you are interested in some early ideas that will be elaborated in more depth in this book, some of the following online lectures, news articles and blogposts might be of interest:

Online lectures and seminars

“Our Planet on the Edge – Can Technology Really Save Us?”, KIKK Festival Namur, Belgium, 2019.

Couch Lessons - “AI+Climate Change”, Goethe Institut, 25th of June, 2020.

Articles and blogposts

“Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Serve Sustainability?”, Project Syndicate, 3rd of May, 2021.

Künstliche Intelligenz für den Planeten, Der Standard (Austria), 22nd of February, 2020.

AI can tackle the climate emergency – if developed responsibly, The Conversation, 23rd of April, 2020.

“Why #sciencecommunication is dead — or at least more difficult than before…”, Medium, November 26th, 2019.

“A manifesto for algorithms in the environment”, The Guardian, October 5th, 2015.

På svenska

“Är digitala skor lösningen på klimatkrisen?”, Svenska Dagbladet (Kultur), 3:e april, 2021.

“Lätt att manipulera bilden av framtiden”, Svenska Dagbladet (Kultur), 22:a mars, 2021.

“Maskinerna undrar allt mer hur du mår”, Svenska Dagbladet (Under Strecket), 9:e mars, 2020.

“Massförstörelsevapnen idag är matematiska”, Svenska Dagbladet (Under Strecket), 25:e september, 2018.

“Robothandlarna har tagit över Wall Street”, Svenska Dagbladet (Under Strecket), 22:a april, 2016.

“Har de sociala medierna öppnat Pandoras ask?”, Svenska Dagbladet (Under Strecket), 16:e februari, 2010.


Public hearing on AI and Green Deal